Alllll the pics and vids! (February Update!)

Hello there! Lots of fun things happened this month! 

Firstly, just want to say THANK YOU for all of your support! The Spring semester can feel like it flies by, but I’ve really enjoyed ministry this year and can’t help but think of how I could not be doing it without you. So thank you :)

This update is gonna have more photos! There weren’t a ton of big events until the end of the month, so this update will just have some pictures of things that happened to give you a glimpse into the day to day! 


Here is a picture from one of our Friday Night Fellowship services at the beginning of the month! We’ve been trying to incorporate some creative elements into our services. We talked about mission on this night and sent the students to do a prayer walk around campus in groups with fellow students. Then, we finished the night by doing a couple of worship songs in the lobby of the building that we meet in! Not all of the students were back from their walk, but it was neat to be in a semi-circle and hear all the voices reverberating in the room! There’s a video below the picture, too :)

We have students in the ministry that participated in inter mural basketball, and we’ve had a lot of students come out to support them! This is a group picture of all of us from their first game :) And a video of my co-facilitator and friend Hannah making a free throw!!

We invite students who need a church home to attend the church I go to, Garland Northeast. We had one of our students, Roger, get BAPTIZED this month! Praise God!!!

Every week at FNF, we have a segment called Brown Bag, where you can put your name and number in a brown bag and get randomly paired with someone in our community to get to know them. I got paired with one of our student leaders, Andrew! A short time into us talking, we were joined by Juke and Ally (who are also student leaders) and we had a great time getting to know one another! 

Some of our students participate in a choir performance with the university, so I attended with my co-facilitator and fellow co-worker! They had their performance at a beautiful church! 

Our big event of the month was Pizza Theology! Each semester, we have an event with a couple hours of teaching on a topic with an hour of dinner time (that’s where the pizza comes in) and then finish with a couple more hours of teaching. We have this as a combined event with all of our campuses! I don’t really have any pics, but it was over the Bible and was super helpful!

To end the month, Johnny and I went to a Dallas Stars game with some students/friends. It was their first game so it was fun to experience it with them! 

That’s all for February! Thanks for reading and tuning in. Until next month! 

Love, Kylie Sanchez


  1. Heeyyyoooooo! Love all the pics and vids. Fun to follow along with you on your mission to all of these college students! I think my fave was the basketball game. When the girl shooting the free throw made it you could hear the crowd erupt just before the video ended. I'm assuming that was all the folks from your ministry who went to support her. I can only imagine that something similar happens with a crowd of angels in the heavenly realm when we "make a free throw." :). Love you mucho . . .keep being my favorite kid!


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