Disciple-Making Disciples

It's been a good school year, and there is so much to praise God for. 

I got to meet with a very sweet peer team who ministered to me and pushed me closer to Jesus. I had a core this year, and led with the sweetest co-facilitator who became like a little sister to me. Our core was a bit quiet but so wise and insightful, and we really grew and bonded throughout the year. Our ministry had so many baptisms in the Spring and we got to celebrate the new life that only Jesus brings. 

In May, I got to be one of about 25 of our staff that took a group of about 140 students to Bellingham, Washington for a leadership conference called SICM! It was so sweet to get to know the students and enjoy beautiful nature and convicting messages about discipleship. 

One of the key points of the conference is encouraging students to be disciples who make disciples. I want to encourage YOU in that, too! It's neat to think of the spiritual family tree in my life, even outside of being raised in a Christian home by faithful parents. I think of some of the girls who I got to work with their freshman year (my apprentice year), who are on staff with FOCUS doing the apprenticeship THIS YEAR (CRAZY) and discipled girls in their circles. I think of the other way around-- women who met me where I was in college, and all the people going back and back and back who have had an impact on my life because they were faithful and ministered to the women who ministered to me. 

I encourage you to reflect on the spiritual family tree in your life, and if you have answered the call to be a disciple-making disciple. Reaching the world for Jesus can be so intimidating and overwhelming, until we think of just impacting our own little worlds for Jesus. That is so much more tangible, and allows the people we impact to go in their circles and impact people we never would have gotten the chance to meet! And it goes on and on from there. 

Here is a video from SICM that I made to help advertise it in under a minute. It's a "day in the life at SICM" and will give you an idea of what the week is made up of! 

Here are some more videos! 

We had a fun day on the last day at at local camp, and our students got to paddle board! Just look at the beauty around us! 

Lunch break and code names! 

Enjoying sunshine and cool temps outside for lunch




I’m still working hard over the summer, meeting with students in town, attending our Summer fellowship meeting combined with the other campuses, and working on planning for the Fall… including having conversations with potential student leaders for next school year! Please pray that the hearts of the students that God wants to lead would be open to the opportunity, and that he will put people in place that can help us be boots on the ground at UTD for the 24-25 school year. 

Love to you all! Thank you so much for all your support! 

- Kylie


  1. SUPER cool! Wow, what an amazing way to spend your life . . . making disciples! Dividends will pay much in this life, and more in the next. I couldn't be more proud of you!


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