New Semester Prayer Requests!


We are on the cusp of a new school year! I'm sure I'll have much to update on next month, but for now, here are some things to be praying for! 

We will have events every night the first week of school! 

- Pray for the Freshmen moving in. A lot of them are living away from home for the first time! Pray for their transition and that we would be a welcoming space for them. 

- Pray for students to have open hearts to new friends and trying new things! This is a pivotal time where people may be open to God or friends in a way that they'd be closed off too without the stark transition.

- Pray for the stamina of our student leaders and staff. These are late nights and long days, but so worth it and rewarding! It can just get pretty tiring physically. So pray we will always be ready to join God where he's working! 

- Pray for the first week of small groups! We have a team of about 50 student leaders who volunteer their time and lead small groups in pairs. Pray that they would be filled by the Spirit in what they decide to discuss, and that their groups would be a fun and safe place for the people going. 

That's all for now.. I'm sure there's more to pray for, but those things would be great! Love to you all, and thank you for your unwavering support and prayers. 

Love, Kylie 


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